Dual beam FIB-SEM

Helios 5 UX DualBeam

Helios 5 UXDual Beam FIB-SEM combined with a monochromated Field Emission SEM column and a Ga LMIS ion column. This combination allows high-resolution SEM imaging at low acceleration voltages during precise slicing at nanometer orders. With the use of the fully automated TEM sample prep system (AutoTEM5), thin lamella preparation from lift-out to thinning and also low-kV surface cleaning will be done automatically. The CMOS EBSD detector allows rapid crystal orientation mapping, which is a powerful for 3D EBSD serial sectioning.
SEM Gun Monocromated Schottky Emission
Acceleration Voltage 0.35 kV - 30 kV
Detectors Through Lens SE/BSE Detector (TLD)
Mirror Detector BSE (MD)
Everhart-Thornley SE Detector (ETD)
Everhart-Thornley SE検出器(ETD)
In-Chamber Secondary Electron & Ion Detector (ICE)
Directional BSE Detector (CBS/ABS)
FIB Ion Source Ga LMIS
Acc. Voltage 0.5 - 30 kV
Max. Probe Current 65 nA
FIB-SEM Geometry V-shape (52 deg)
WD 4mm
GIS Platinum, Tungsten, Carbon
Max Sample Size 150 mm in diameter, 55 mm in height
in-situ Lift-out EasyLift
Low-energy broad ion milling -
Automation TEM sample prep. AutoTEM 5
Serial Sectioning Auto Slice & View 5
Montage Imaging MAPS 3
Python Scripting AutoScript 4
Analysis XEDS -
EBSD Oxford Symmetry S3
Cryo Stage Thermo Scientific CryoMAT
Air-Free Transfer
Plasma Cleaning

FIB Performance comparison(Helios・MI4000L・Quanta)(PDF)