Micro-Calorimeter FESEM

Micro-Calorimeter FESEM

Micro-Calorimeter FESEM TES+ULTRA55 The microcalorimeter XEDS detector allows high energy resolution analysis of 10 eV at 6 keV compared to that of 130 eV in conventional SDD XEDS detectors. This high resolution is achieved by the use of the transition edge of a superconductor cooled down to below 0.1 K by a dilution refrigerator. The wide selection of acceleration voltages (20 V to 30 kV) and multiple electron detectors (Everhart-Thornley SE, In-lens SE, AsB, EsB) offers not only SEM images of surface topology but also compositional information. Also an EBSD detector is available for obtaining crystal-orientation distribution maps.
Installation location ITO Campus・CE21
Accelerating voltage 0.1-30
Emission Gun T-FEG
TEM resolution(nm) 1.0-4.0
SEM image
STEM minimum probe diameter
XEDS type TES Si
solid angle 0.0022 sr 0.026 sr
energy resolution 20 eV 130 eV
3D tomography
Sample inclination angle T:-3~70
Convergent electron diffraction

Holder List (PDF)